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Louise Webber, The McKenzie Clinic

Louise Webber

Nurse Practitioner
  • Nurse Practitioner

Louise is a Nurse Practitioner in Skin Integrity & Wound Management and has over 25 years experience in this area. Wound Therapies was established as a specialist Nurse Practitioner Wound Management service 8 years ago and provides specialist assessment & care for chronic and complex wounds.

Louise started working in the McKenzie clinic last year which has been ideal to collaborate with Jen McKenzie (Lymphoedema Physio) for those needing long term oedema or lymphoedema management. The Wound Clinic provides consultations for complex & chronic wounds including: Leg ulcers Pressure injuries Malignant wounds ABPI assessment & compression bandaging Post surgical wound complication & slow healing wounds. She currently works collaboratively with several Aged Care Providers, private hospitals, community nursing services across the Sunshine Coast and north Brisbane and is passionate about wound care, striving for best practice and positive healing outcomes.

Fields of Interest:

  • Injury & Wound Care